Vladimir Logutov is the artist invited for the new exhibition of the program “Farewell to the eternal youth” organized by the Moscow art center “Winzavod”.
The theme of the exhibition is the research that has been at the center of Logutov’s work for many years : the artist as a go-between, between the representation and the viewer, gathering modern compositions, researching new possibilities of visual interpretation of an artwork.
The show is built as a catalog of all the possible representations in an exhibition space. More than 80 works will be presented : some the artist has made since 2005 and some that were specially produced: paintings, drawings, videos, objects.
The curator of the exhibition, Ekaterina Inozemtseva, explains : Vladimir Logutov has chosen a very topical matter for the contemporary viewer : how and what are we effectively seeing ? What is represented object and representation itself ?
The architecture of the exhibition is inspired by the metaphor of “extended viewing”, once formulated by the avant-garde Russian artist Mikhail Matyushin : it is conceived as a catalog of the possible variations of the white cube, as the ideal exhibition space. No in each part of the exhibition, some elements open unexpected perspectives, point of views, and formulates new situations of looking at the artwork.
Vladimir Logutov : “Our artistic school is mainly pictural. Following this paradigm, I propose some variants of the contemporary painting, as the “hero” of another artwork.”
At Winzavod, from Nov 2 to Dec 3, 2017. Organized by Smirnov Sorokin foundation and Regina gallery